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Analyzing  the Union Budget 2023 Breakdown

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The real estate sector has always been an integral part of global economy proving employment , income and source of investment for plethora of people . The real estate industry has been recovering since the 2008 global financial crisis. In recent years, low interest rates, rising popularity of rental properties, and growth in e-commerce have contributed to the growth of this sector. The current state of the real estate sector is generally positive due to rising prices and increasing demand for both residential and commercial properties. However, there are also challenges such as the lack of affordable housing, aging infrastructure and the impact of natural disasters.   

A real estate union budget 2023 breakdown typically includes various expenses related to the acquisition, development, and maintenance of real estate properties.

The Union Budget 2023 : What You Need to Know

The union  Budget 2023 was announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on 1 February 2023. This budget was first to be  announced during Amrit Kaal. Our 2023 budget is fully focused on expanding our infrastructure. In her budget speech, the minister announced a number of relief measures to benefit the middle class and workers, including new tax regimes, urban development programs and more. Related to these industries, FM made the following announcements: 

1. FM increased PM Awas Yojana’s budget by 66% to over 79,000 Crore.

2.Furthermore, FM recommended that he limit the deduction of capital gains on residential real estate investments under Sections 54 and 54F to Rs.1 billion. Restrict income tax exemption on income from high-value insurance contracts.

3. FM also proposed to change the guidelines for calculating capital gains in joint development cases to include money received in the form of checks or other types of payments.

4. Federal Finance Minister Nirmala Siharama also stated: Contains or improves transmission and reduces capital gains. It is proposed that the cost of acquisition or improvement should not include as a deduction the amount of interest previously charged.”

5. FM also proposed to change the rules for calculating capital gains for joint development to include amounts paid by check or another payment method as consideration.

6. Cities are trying to improve the creditworthiness of municipal bonds by capping urban infrastructure usage fees and implementing property tax management reforms.

7. FM said that similar to RIDF, Urban Infrastructure Development Fund (UIDF) will be established to take advantage of credit gaps in priority sectors. It is managed by the National Housing Bank and is used by public agencies to create urban infrastructure for Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. States are encouraged to use 15th Finance Committee grants and resources from existing programs to introduce reasonable user fees for accessing the UIDF. We plan to allocate 10,000 crore per year for this purpose.

8. The newly established Infrastructure Financing Secretariat will engage all stakeholders in increasing private investment in infrastructure such as railways, roads, urban infrastructure,, and energy that are overwhelmingly dependent on public resources. FM said it would support

9. States and cities are encouraged to implement urban planning reforms and policies to transform our cities into ‘sustainable cities of tomorrow’. This means efficient use of land resources, adequate urban infrastructure resources, transport-focused development, increased urban land availability and affordability, and opportunities for all, FM said. increase.

10. Provide exemption from tax on all income accruing to corporations, authorities, boards, trusts o,r commissions (other than corporations) established or established by or puunderentral or State legislation for purposes It is proposed to To meet housing needs, or for the planning, development, or improvement of towns, cities, and villages, or to regulate any activity or matter, whether commercial or not, FM said. 

The 2023 budget should have long-term positive effects on the real estate industry. This may be due to several factors such as: Increased investment in infrastructure projects, tax incentives for property developers, and increased consumer confidence. These measures are expected to boost demand for both residential and commercial real estate, and the government’s focus on affordable housing will create new opportunities for developers and buyers. is expected. Overall, the 2023 budget is poised to create a favorable environment for the real estate industry and promote long-term growth and stability. There are likely to be indirect benefits. 


In summary, the 2023 Indian union Budget is positive for the property sector. The government has announced a series of initiatives to boost the housing sector and help drive growth in the industry. A focus on developing infrastructure and creating new job opportunities will help to have a positive impact on the real estate sector. As such, it is a good time for those looking to invest in real estate and make the most of the opportunities the industry offers.