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Floor Space Index (FSI)

The Floor Space Index (FSI): An Overview

#realestate #floorspaceindex #fsi #urbanestate Floor Space Index (FSI) is a term commonly used in urban planning and real estate development to refer to the ratio between the total floor area of a building and the area of the land on which the building is constructed. It is also known as the Floor Area Ratio (FAR)….

Compact Homes : The Unexpected perks  .

Compact Homes : The Unexpected perks .

#RealEstate #investment #CompactHomes #worth What are Compact Homes ? Compact Homes , also known as tiny houses, are small-sized homes that are designed to maximize living space while minimizing the overall footprint of the home. These homes are usually under 400 square feet and are often designed to be mobile, with the ability to be…